Release notes v10.1.0

Release Details

v10.1.0 - Translation Manager Patch release

This is a patch release of Translation Manager for Umbraco,

What's New

Set creation features

Things to make set creation easier:

Add All configured domains 43

Ability to just add all the configured domains to the target sites, great if you have LOTS of languages image

Copy set feature 42

Ability to quickly copy an existing set, so you can tweak and make new sets quickly image

Licence fixes / updates

  • Licence file location was been incorrectly saved to ~/umbraco/licences (so putting a ~ folder in the root) this release will move it to the correct location of /umbraco/Licences (no ~) 44

  • You can set the licence values in appsettings.json - 45 - the value is over written if the licence file exists but it means you don't have to distribute the licence file if you don't want to.

Getting Translation Manager

Translation Manager 10 is distributed as a nuget package and can be added to your site in a couple of ways.

via dotnet add

via a command line you can add Translation Manager

dotnet add package Jumoo.TranslationManager --version 10.1.0

as a package reference

You can add the dependency directly to your projects .csproj file.

  <PackageReference Include="Jumoo.TranslationManager" Version="10.1.0" />

via Visual Studio package manager console

If you are old school . install-package still works

install-package Jumoo.TranslationManager -version 10.1.0