Release notes v8.7.10

Release Details

v8.7.10 - Patch release

This is a patch release of Translation Manager v8 for Umbraco 8.


  • Fix: Provider settings values return false when they are blank
  • Fix: Allow Passthrough provider to not change values when they already exist on target
  • Fix: Improve the error logging if a file upload files in the XLIFF provider 31
  • Fix: Improves xliff error checking / display 31
  • Fix: Elements containing only spanning codes are treated as blank values when they are not 27
  • Fix: Track version number when using loopback sets
  • Fix: Ensure 'title' attributes are split out of translation correctly when embedded in RTE/Grid element

Installing Translation Manager.

We recommend you install Translation Manager via NuGet / Visual Studio Package Manager

PM>install-package Jumoo.TranslationManager -version 8.7.10

you can install the Umbraco Package from the Umbraco back office or the package page.


via nuget:

PM>update-package Jumoo.TranslationManager -version 8.7.10 -FileConflictAction Ignore

There should be no issues upgrading between patch versions of Translation Manager (e.g 8.7.3 -> 8.7.7).

We recommend you do not have open translation jobs when upgrading minor versions (e.g 8.4 -> 8.7) - In general there should be no issue upgrading with open jobs - but this reduces any risks if data structures are altered during a upgrade.