Release notes v8.7.7

Release Details

v8.7.7 - Xliff2.0 Anchors and em tags

This is a patch release for Translation Manager on Umbraco 8 - it contains some fixes as to how XLIFF 2.0 file generation handles anchor tags and em tags in certain situations. Unless you are experiencing these issues there is no imperative to update to this version.


  • Anchor tags in Xliff 2.0 contain a empty subType value - when the should not
  • In certain circumstances html em tags get treated as xliff 2.0 em tags - resulting in some tags not being split in the xliff.

Installing Translation Manager.

We recommend you install Translation Manager via NuGet / Visual Studio Package Manager

PM>install-package Jumoo.TranslationManager -version 8.7.7

you can install the Umbraco Package from the Umbraco back office or the package page.


via nuget:

PM>update-package Jumoo.TranslationManager -version 8.7.7 -FileConflictAction Ignore

There should be no issues upgrading between patch versions of Translation Manager (e.g 8.7.3 -> 8.7.7).

We recommend you do not have open translation jobs when upgrading minor versions (e.g 8.4 -> 8.7) - In general there should be no issue upgrading with open jobs - but this reduces any risks if data structures are altered during a upgrade.