Depending on when you got your uSync licence you may need to purchase an upgrade to receive licence keys for the later version(s) of the package.
Our upgrades are in-step with Umbraco's Long Term Support (LTS) releases.
so a upgrade is required when you reach v10, v13 or v17*
All versions in-between work with the most recent Long Term Support licence.
So for example a v10 key covers v10, 11 & 12, and a v13 key covers v13, 14, 15 and v16.
When you purchase an upgrade licence you will be sent keys for all current versions of uSync.
A uSync.Complete license is valid for all Umbraco sites in a project (e.g local, dev, stage, QA, live), and includes uSync.Publisher, uSync.Exporter, uSync.Snapshots and uSync.PeopleEdition.
*Based on the current Umbraco release schedule, v17 will be the next LTS version, should there be more or less releases between v13 and the next umbraco LTS then the version at which an upgrade is required may change