Release notes v8.11.7

Release Details

v8.11.7 - Caching performance fixes

This is a patch release for uSync.Complete that fixes an performance issue with caching, that can impact saving/publishing of items, even when the cache is turned off.


153 - Save/Publish is slow even when caching is off. 154 - Pushing a single template file should only push the single file and not all templates.


The recommended way to install uSync.Complete is via Nuget as part of your websites visual studio project:

PM> install-package uSync.Complete -version 8.11.7


uSync.Complete 8.11.x will work with all version of Umbraco v8.0 upwards. However, we recommend you update your Umbraco installations to latest versions where possible, because there are a lot of performance and cache fixes in version past 8.6.x